So when and how did it become a euphemism for skipping school?

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So when I was looking for the origin of hooky, hooky, I came across “hoekje” which is the Dutch word for hide and seek and seems to be the origin of playing hooky.

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Another corrupted Dutch word in English...

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English etymology is so fun, we steal words from everyone 😂

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Playing hooky or

Shouting hooky hooky makes

Me want a hookah

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Ha! Fantastic!

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Haha! That's a fun one... 😎

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Swung across the sky

The moon a silver cold scythe

Winter sleep descends

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Gorgeous! I really love that middle line🖤

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Thank you!

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A voice in the dark,

Said, "Hooky, hooky", and then,

We heard the blades swish... 😎

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Next blockbuster Halloween movie!

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Yes! It would make a great slasher movie, for sure. And people like a snappy catchphrase. Haha... 😎👍

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Ha! Hey remember me when you’re famous!

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It would be hilarious if people started getting movies out of things like these. They'd have to get a new category at The Oscars. 'Best Adapted Prompt'! Haha... 😎👍

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We harvest in arcs

Curved slicing sickles and scythes

And hark to the hooks

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This is so good, I love how the rhythm and imagery work together🖤

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Playing hooky, we

ran to the field, Mark n' me -

where the hooks caught him


Hooks for hands, scarecrow

monsters snatched poor Mark away -

never had a chance, boy


So you ask me, but

that's the truth of why he's gone -

cross my hooks, hope t'die...


Boys n' girls beware,

learn from the fate of hook'd Mark,

snagged in a dawn field


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🙌I think you may have invented a new, better feldgeister.

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Sickle sells, scythes tell

Threshed great grain hook

Handles hold weight gains.

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Sounds unhealthy🖤

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Try it if you need to gain weight.

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What if Hooky, Hooky was also a dance?

♾️ Richard Wright

Feet stomp on the earth,

“Hooky, hooky” rings like bells—

we dance the crops home.

♾️ Sonia Sanchez

Hooky, hooky rise,

our feet remember the songs,

rhythm in the grain.

♾️ Jack Kerouac

Bare feet in the mud,

“Hooky, hooky,” laugh and spin—

sickle in the wind.

♾️ Michael Dylan Welch

In the barn we dance—

“Hooky, hooky” fills the air,

cornstalks bow and bend.

♾️ Cor van den Heuvel

Lanterns swinging high,

we dance in circles, laughing—

“Hooky, hooky” hums.

♾️ Nick Virgilio

Our hands full of grain,

we twirl, “hooky, hooky” cries—

moonlight in the hay.

♾️ Fay Aoyagi

At twilight we dance,

“Hooky, hooky” shakes the air,

dust rises like ghosts.

♾️ David G. Lanoue

Fiddles play loud now,

“Hooky, hooky” skips with joy—

the earth feels our steps.

♾️ Kala Ramesh

In the circle we—

chant “hooky, hooky” and dance—

grains swirl at our feet.

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Oh! Now I want it to be a dance! What a beautiful take🖤

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