I have been doing some research into haiku the last few days, and in English messing with the syllables is accepted. I think I’m going to write a post to pin to the top of the poetry section just for some extra context.
Comic relief is a critical part of horror. You are providing an important service and we thank you 🙏 also, this made me laugh in the break room and now everyone is staring at me😂
Once king of nations
Now committed to the sky
How the Gobi breathes!
Love this! So beautiful and I love the eternal feeling of it.
Thank you! You give such wonderful prompts
Catacombs and tombs
And graves the smiling skull stares
This is all our fates....
No one gets out alive. Always a humbling reminder. Very nice!
Consume! Lust! Indulge!
Vultures of humanity
Skeleton, who are you?
K that’s deep. Excarnated by consumer culture, wow.
Ah! I just found out skeleton is three, not two syllables. I have failed this haiku.
I have been doing some research into haiku the last few days, and in English messing with the syllables is accepted. I think I’m going to write a post to pin to the top of the poetry section just for some extra context.
Oh sweet, so I only kind of messed up. Makes sense, everything is easier in English.
Skulls stacked neatly here
Absent ribs, and humeri
Where are the bodies?
Creepy!! And makes you want to look over your shoulder.😬
When you left, you took
The dog with you-completing
My excarnation.
Ooof, that’s brutal. Very nicely done!
I’m particularly proud of it!
One more skull will fit.
Add it to my collection.
Oops! Welp, nevermind.
I don't know why, but I always want to make these silly.
Comic relief is a critical part of horror. You are providing an important service and we thank you 🙏 also, this made me laugh in the break room and now everyone is staring at me😂
Flesh stripped bleached bones hang
Whistling in the wind-tossed tree
Spirit released, roars
Heck yeah, bringing angry spirits to the party! Love the imagery.
Bones that were my core
Now rattle in winter wind
Life song's last note rings
Oh I love that! It’s beautiful.