June 29 - Pandora
All-gifted you were,
Endowed by gods with graces
And ills in a jar
Interesting take, I like it. Bad things can be gifts, it seems like you’re saying, depends on how you handle them.
Well, Pandora "All gifted" meant she had both good and bad gifts...it's just the bad ones were sealed in the jar...😁
All-gifted woman,
Anesidora, gave up
Evil to the world
Indeed, an unfortunate fate for her.
Having hope is nice
And all, but never needing
It would be ideal.
Ha! Yes, that would be the way to go, well said🖤
Her mind was itching
Only one way to relieve
Come out and scratch it
I like the inevitability invoked here, humans are humans after all🖤
And the itch of curiosity must be scratched!
Curious woman
Who satisfied her wonder
Releasing evil
Ha! You like this prompt.
I do! This myth was one of the first Greek myths I read as a child!😁
I had never heard the earlier version until a few months ago, it’s a really interesting story evolution.
Yes, so many versions! The first one I read had Hope as a blessing; another had Hope locked in the jar so humans were denied the relief from suffering she brought; another had Hope as the worst curse of all…
It’s said Hope remained
Held forever in a box
Dreaming of escape
Oh nice!! Hope had hope! I like it🖤
You are generous
In your praises and for that
I give you my thanks
Prometheus, condemned for hubris
to eternal savage tearing of his liver
and the company of woman -
penance sweeter than mere pain after all.
Well we do our best 😈
Good women are the most powerful analgesic known - a painkiller even if your liver is being ripped out by an eagle.
A good man can do the same… just a bit tough to find ya’ll sometimes🙃
The evils were released from the box, but hope remained.
So the story goes. There seems to be mixed feelings on hope as an evil or a boon.
In some versions of the myth Hope was the last and worst of the curses released...
Hey, what's in the box?
Maybe they should have told me
first. It's open now.
Yes!! A Seven reference! So perfect for this prompt 🖤
You stare uncertain:
Do you fear what’s inside me
Or its containment?
Well done! This is a dichotomy I hadn’t really thought of, but I like it🖤
I am Pandora
Made from clay, the first woman
Hiding hope from man
Awesome 😎 I love the defiance and just outright owning it🖤
Warbling Pandora
Spotify’s sister, born in…
Columbia House.
😂 Trying to decide if this Pandora is more or less problematic than the original.
A box of secrets,
So tempting to look inside,
Should've kept it closed... 😎
Very tempting indeed🖤
Can’t say in haiku.
Woman dangerous, crafty clay statue forged.
Skilled artist. A gift and curse to mankind.
Fire not to be had. Prometheus stole.
Another gift, Pandora.
Creature comfort, beguiling bestowed by
Athena and Zeus.
A bride to Prometheus’ brother;
An afterthought. Retribution warning.
But a box ‘do not open’.
Curiosity another gift.
Nothing to fear.
Just a quick peek.
Toil and trouble unleashed
To succumb to illness.
Lastly, bottom of box. Hope survives.
Mankind returns for more pain.
Pays the exhorting medicinal price.
For one misdeed, but nurses resolve;
Put bandages on wounds.
A Red Cross bleeds, but pain not relieved.
Humanity sings a song of love
Made from water and clay
Binds cuts speechless;
Yet death survives.
Even though “Elpis” (hope) or expectations
Comes to the finish line. V
Wow! Epic! I love the retelling and the ending is wonderful🖤
Glad I passed the audition. Now to enact on stage fore a rave review.
Play on!
Act two coming up. Climax in act three. Just have to wait for critics.
All-gifted you were,
Endowed by gods with graces
And ills in a jar
Interesting take, I like it. Bad things can be gifts, it seems like you’re saying, depends on how you handle them.
Well, Pandora "All gifted" meant she had both good and bad gifts...it's just the bad ones were sealed in the jar...😁
All-gifted woman,
Anesidora, gave up
Evil to the world
Indeed, an unfortunate fate for her.
Having hope is nice
And all, but never needing
It would be ideal.
Ha! Yes, that would be the way to go, well said🖤
Her mind was itching
Only one way to relieve
Come out and scratch it
I like the inevitability invoked here, humans are humans after all🖤
And the itch of curiosity must be scratched!
Curious woman
Who satisfied her wonder
Releasing evil
Ha! You like this prompt.
I do! This myth was one of the first Greek myths I read as a child!😁
I had never heard the earlier version until a few months ago, it’s a really interesting story evolution.
Yes, so many versions! The first one I read had Hope as a blessing; another had Hope locked in the jar so humans were denied the relief from suffering she brought; another had Hope as the worst curse of all…
It’s said Hope remained
Held forever in a box
Dreaming of escape
Oh nice!! Hope had hope! I like it🖤
You are generous
In your praises and for that
I give you my thanks
Prometheus, condemned for hubris
to eternal savage tearing of his liver
and the company of woman -
penance sweeter than mere pain after all.
Well we do our best 😈
Good women are the most powerful analgesic known - a painkiller even if your liver is being ripped out by an eagle.
A good man can do the same… just a bit tough to find ya’ll sometimes🙃
The evils were released from the box, but hope remained.
So the story goes. There seems to be mixed feelings on hope as an evil or a boon.
In some versions of the myth Hope was the last and worst of the curses released...
Hey, what's in the box?
Maybe they should have told me
first. It's open now.
Yes!! A Seven reference! So perfect for this prompt 🖤
You stare uncertain:
Do you fear what’s inside me
Or its containment?
Well done! This is a dichotomy I hadn’t really thought of, but I like it🖤
I am Pandora
Made from clay, the first woman
Hiding hope from man
Awesome 😎 I love the defiance and just outright owning it🖤
Warbling Pandora
Spotify’s sister, born in…
Columbia House.
😂 Trying to decide if this Pandora is more or less problematic than the original.
A box of secrets,
So tempting to look inside,
Should've kept it closed... 😎
Very tempting indeed🖤
Can’t say in haiku.
Woman dangerous, crafty clay statue forged.
Skilled artist. A gift and curse to mankind.
Fire not to be had. Prometheus stole.
Another gift, Pandora.
Creature comfort, beguiling bestowed by
Athena and Zeus.
A bride to Prometheus’ brother;
An afterthought. Retribution warning.
But a box ‘do not open’.
Curiosity another gift.
Nothing to fear.
Just a quick peek.
Toil and trouble unleashed
To succumb to illness.
Lastly, bottom of box. Hope survives.
Mankind returns for more pain.
Pays the exhorting medicinal price.
For one misdeed, but nurses resolve;
Put bandages on wounds.
A Red Cross bleeds, but pain not relieved.
Humanity sings a song of love
Made from water and clay
Binds cuts speechless;
Yet death survives.
Even though “Elpis” (hope) or expectations
Comes to the finish line. V
Wow! Epic! I love the retelling and the ending is wonderful🖤
Glad I passed the audition. Now to enact on stage fore a rave review.
Play on!
Act two coming up. Climax in act three. Just have to wait for critics.