Share this postHoneygloomHorror Haiku Club PromptCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreHorror Haiku ClubHorror Haiku Club PromptMarch 29 - HadesHoneygloomMar 29, 202418Share this postHoneygloomHorror Haiku Club PromptCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMore1610ShareThe name of the underworld, as well as its ruler.Your prompt is HADES.Umbral and unseenThe home of the dead for theirBanal afterlifeIt was said to be a rather dull place. Sounds like hell.I need four more paid subscriptions in March to reach my kitten adoption goal. Consider a paid subscription for three exclusive 100% Plant Based horror stories a month.SubscribeTips help your poet🥱PreviousNext
Sinking down 'neath ground
Heat rises ever higher
Demon cackles loud
Not a ladies’ man
Rather be a Hades' man
Where the bad girls live