Screams echo softly

The underworld undulates

And Hades claims souls

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I love that “undulates” conjures and image of sort of rolling mists. Very cool!

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Mar 2Liked by Honeygloom

In through my mind's eye,

squinting through those mental bars,

I glimpse the grisly.

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Ahhh! How did I miss this?? I love the grisly🖤

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Mar 2Liked by Honeygloom

Orpheus in grief

To Hades journeyed and still

Eurydice lost

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😭This one is so sad. Why do they always look back? Also I love that you got the katabasis AND the anabasis in there together.

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IT'S not exactly a katabasis. How could IT be, considering I only just heard of this word five minutes ago? But here IT is, my katabaku:

[CHIME] Text! Tap-tap-tap…

[DING] Green light. Walk, tap, walk, ta—

Argh! Cell in sewer!

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Maybe your cell will float down there?? I’ve heard they all float down there.

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i push my head in-

to (the hole is me) / to scrape

dark identity

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Ooo I like it, finding your dark side?🖤

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Yes! Turned out the heart of darkness wasn't a metaphor; it was just an internal organ.

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😂I’m dying, I love that 🖤 I wonder if all horror writers have one.

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