April 28 - Witchweed
Witchweed like violas
Give pretty fragrant flowers
But take away your scents.
Brilliant! I love it🖤
I shall steep thee well
And drink thereof thy foul brew
Power surges in veins
A witchy tea, sounds dangerous 😏🖤
Wow I learned a new one. Thank you. I have seen these before. No idea they were devious
Catching up:
In deep dark slumber
Kind neighbours help awaken
Get strangled as thanks
Haha! I love how blunt this is🖤
It’s what I do.
The stoner witch used…
…weed instead of eye of newt
Spells are groovy, man
Gotta say I like this witch🖤
Wrapped! - A wilt warns trapped
Starved! - Bound blooms brittlely carve
Ripped! - Now I grow, ripe.
Witchweed like violas
Give pretty fragrant flowers
But take away your scents.
Brilliant! I love it🖤
I shall steep thee well
And drink thereof thy foul brew
Power surges in veins
A witchy tea, sounds dangerous 😏🖤
Wow I learned a new one. Thank you. I have seen these before. No idea they were devious
Catching up:
In deep dark slumber
Kind neighbours help awaken
Get strangled as thanks
Haha! I love how blunt this is🖤
It’s what I do.
The stoner witch used…
…weed instead of eye of newt
Spells are groovy, man
Gotta say I like this witch🖤
Wrapped! - A wilt warns trapped
Starved! - Bound blooms brittlely carve
Ripped! - Now I grow, ripe.