For my Macabre Monday post this week I decided to share Edward Gorey’s The Fantod Pack. What is a fantod? I had no idea when I first saw the pack, so in case you’re also in the dark, a fantod is “a state or attack of uneasiness or unreasonableness.”
While you might imagine that Edward Gorey created these cards, the little booklet inside states that they are interpreted by one Madame Groeda Weyrd. Madame Weyrd, the booklet states, has also worked on such projects as The Future Speaks Though Entrails, so you know she knows her stuff. The cards themselves, are said to be “of incredible antiquity.”
All of the cards are pictured below. I brought the little interpretation booklet to work with me, so if you want to know what any of them portend, let me know in the comments and I’ll post them on breaks or later when I get home.
Enjoy with caution.
I have these too. The booklet is hilarious
The tunnel, the sea, the effigy, the burning head, the blue dog and the stones can fuck right off.
I need these cards.