The Carnival Man
Had a thousand needle-like feet
His exoskeleton glistened
In jointed segments
And he filled balloons
Made of faces
For girls in lace
Dresses, with horns in their
Spiders carried her away
The clever girl
Preferring wit
To beauty
They kept her safe
Behind walls of web
Made her Queen, made homes
In her hair
Whispering to her
In their strange language
The light welcomed her forward
Bright rays dancing
Into her mind
Fingers of curled shadow
Held her back
Light would purify her
Dark would keep her whole
The door
Would decide
The fishermen,
Their saws poised,
Found her under the
Scarred ice.
Heavy-lidded eyes
Frozen half open. As
If to say, I see you,
And I’m waiting.
I stood in the long grass
The old coaster, fallen now,
Spiraled out before me,
A dilapidated portal, obscured by mist
Legend whispered in my ear
Breath soft and cold as the fog
-Step through, we’ll take you on a ride.
-To Hell and back
-Step through
Grief, in all its syrupy blackness
Drowned the two widows
The gloom entwined and melted
Minds and limbs, fingers, hearts
Succumbing to dissolution
Over time, the pool of grief
The widows skulked in the mud
Reformed as one halting, crooked beast
Of two heads
And one heart
Beyond the mirror and deep into the void
Hands that long to hold, and teeth
That long to bite, etch your name
Into the glass
Plumes of soft white snow
Expand as they touch warm
Skin, and melt, running off
Your body in droplets,
Like your blood runs off