I woke up this morning in horrible fibromyalgia pain. This is not at all uncommon and the past two months have been especially rough. As I type the pain is unfurling from my spine like barbed tendrils. Even my toes hurt. I sipped my coffee and tried to talk myself into all of the chores lined up for my Sunday, but I just couldn’t. So the ADHD part of my brain, trying, I suppose, to compensate for the failings of my body, decided we should do something. Anything to keep us from feeling useless and sad all day. And we, my ADHD brain and I in all our flailing at life, decided on a horror haiku club.
A simple club where the only rules are 5, 7, 5 and good conversation. The prompts will be daily, and horror themed, but where you take them doesn’t have to be scary.
Fair warning, I’m paywalling the club after October. Go ahead, tell me I’m wicked, like I don’t already know.
Without further ado, the prompt for October 1, is REVENANT.
Awake but not alive Soil clinging to my shroud In search of my past
Didn't quite kill me.
Something for you to regret
When you see me next.
I'm not much for writing haiku, but I'm in for reading it. Also, that sucks about the flare up. I know how chronic pain can be a huge bitch.