Having had many individual species of plants in these two groups, I can attest to their all behaving similarly as far as magic is concerned. With the exception of Calathea Dotti which, being the darkest, is the best for animating dolls. I'll get to that further down, however. First, I must address the source of the magic within this plant, that being its devotion to dawn and dusk. Lowering for the sun, standing for the moon, as should we all bow before the life giver and rise, arms outstretched, to our cosmic anchor, facilitates the cycling of Earth’s energy through a body, any body. As attuned as Goeppertia & Calathea are to dawn and dusk, I find them useful in crepuscular rituals, that is, those specifically or best performed at dawn or dusk. Dawn and dusk are the fuzzy parts of the day, like the brackish pool between the sea and fresh water, night and day collide and diffuse into one another. They are boundaries, but penetrable ones, a boundary whose magic you can stand in and let its power permeate you.
For Dawn and Dusk Magic
At dusk or dawn, add a leaf of Goeppertia or Calathea to your altar, the plants are also safe to burn, but do so out in nature, let the smoke return to the Earth and sky. The leaves will be a power boosting addition to any of the spell types discussed below.
Dawn is a time of beginning, growth, and creation, as well as a time of heat and purification, important qualities to keep in mind whilst spelling.
Types of Dawn Magic: Manifesting something new or positive, binding spells, money spells, protection spells, intention setting tends to be more effective at dawn if new habits or personal growth are the goal, banishing evil, and disinfecting spells.