Red soaks through your pillow Red stains all your sheets Red, a path to follow Down the stairs, into the street Red will help me find you Though you may crawl and hide Red and me play peekaboo Red's always on my side
Plump flesh Gnashed in a zipper’s Teeth Meat In a grinder
Kiss Me
Rain Rain Falling down Pitter pitter patter On the cold cold ground Fill me up Float me 'round Kiss me kiss me kiss me Until I have drowned
Let them eat cakes And mortar Bite BOOM! Gleaming shards of Teeth embedded in brain Let them feast on Flash paper, glut Black powder BOOM! Leaky guts, dripping refuse May Roman candles blast Their eyes, unseeing Landed on a candy wrapper BOOM! Pure white chunks Glory of blue iris Glory take, then, Their fingers BANG! Cherry bomb blackened Gaping void Where red meat should be At the hospital, they can sew you lobster claws.
Sew you lobster claws. How lovely 😂
"Pure white chunks
Glory of blue iris"