Funny, today I drew the Eight of Pentacles again, but upright. It was reversed five days ago. August has been working on drawing energy from the room around him to warm himself up. I wasn’t noticing anything at his touch, but then I bought an infrared camera and we saw he was creating a tiny difference in temperature. It’s hard for him, he isn’t used to drawing ambient energy. Nor is he used to channeling it for a specific purpose.
On the whole, the work, focusing on the task has made him almost pleasant. He doesn’t tease or pester like he used to and he’s more positive. It’s weird and I don’t know if I can trust it since I’m not sure why he’s suddenly so worried about my comfort. When I ask him why, he just grins and says it’s because he’s a ‘steady chap.’ Don’t I like that he wants to make me comfortable? Sure, but ghosts are unpredictable and totally widdershins. This one especially.
All of this could change tomorrow, and that’s what keeps me up at night.
Don't worry Evelyn it's all absolutely normal and i'm sure everything will be alright.
BTW I was just reading a Henry James story called The Sacred Fount in which people drain energy vampirically off their loved ones. Not intended as a Gothic horror, more like a pre-Kafka near-horror fable.