“Here, August, you should have a great time with this one,” I showed him the card, Nine of Cups. He grinned that crooked grin of his and put an icy finger under my chin.
“Remind me, again, what this card means, and tell me all of it.” He sat back, in midair.
“Cups are all about emotions and relationships. This one indicates bliss and granted wishes.” I turned back to my computer, but the energy in him buzzed through me. I bit down to keep my teeth from chattering.
“This is about you and me, Writer. I know this because I can’t even have a relationship with anyone else.”
“Your poor attitude is noted. However, this card means you have to grant my wishes, so…”
“Uh, no, it does not say I have to grant your wishes. I am not a genie.”
“We’ll see, Writer, we’ll see.” He floated through me, chilling me to the bone. My lungs froze up and an icy breath got caught in my throat. I choked on it and sputtered. August laughed as he floated through the wall. “I love doing that to you,” his whisper was next to my ear, cold and clear. But he was gone.
He’s getting stronger. I’m losing what little control I ever had over him. I can only hope that Mal and his demon circus can help me when I see them next.
Ooh, foreshadowing? Mal and his demon circus?
Can't wait!