“Hmmm…. The Tower reversed. If I remember correctly, this means change is coming, but not necessarily a big change.”
“I don’t like change.” August stood in the middle of the room with Hellbunny cradled in his arms. His jacket was brown and teal plaid in nubbly wool and Hellbunny was occupied with chewing a hole in the sleeve.
“Well, it’s coming, so brace yourself.”
“Is it a bad change?”
“A good change can still cause some negative upheaval.”
“Yes, that’s true.” He absently stroked Hellbunny between the ears. The rabbit shook his head, trying to dislodge August’s hand, but August was staring off into the astral plane, lost in thought. Hellbunny kept shaking his fuzzy little cranium. August eventually stopped petting and was resting his hand on Hellbunny’s skull when the rabbit’s head turned a full 180 degrees. August looked down just as Hellbunny’s jaws stretched open wide and bit down on his finger. The entire finger disappeared into the bunny’s maw. August screamed and dropped him to the floor. Hellbunny hopped to his cage with the severed finger between his teeth like a carrot. And he ate it, just like carrot. August wailed all the while.
“That really should not have been possible on so many levels,” I muttered, glad that August was bloodless.