I decided to try something different with August today… well, tonight. That was part of it, I kept putting him off until late, letting him worry about it, let his tarot fix fix him a bit. Then I drew from an oracle deck instead of the tarot deck he likes.
“What in the blazes is this?”
“The Pythia Botanica.”
“It’s… well it’s pretty, actually,” he fussed with it for a bit, read a few cards, harumphed. “Ok, fine. What did you draw for me?”
“The Dahlia, fate.”
“But it doesn’t tell you what my fate is.”
“Oh, but it does, August. You don’t draw a fate card if your fate is to keep doing what you’re already doing. You draw a fate card when change is on the horizon. Or when it should be.”
“I feel like you're trying to get rid of me.”
“I feel like you’re haunting me.”
“I like haunting you.”
So that backfired. He likes haunting me?