Another Son today, this time Cups reversed. Cups are August’s least favorite, he’s not a fan of water… or emotions. When I told him he was lying on the floor on his back with Hellbunny on his chest. Something about Hellbunny’s constitution makes him easy for August to hold. Hellbunny was nuzzling August’s face, August giggled, his pale maw gaping red. Hellbunny’s little fluff tail twitched.
“His whiskers tickle.”
“I have a feeling all this fun will have consequences.”
“Of course it will. But who cares?”
“I do.” I reached out and tried to pet Hellbunny but he hissed at me, his chocolaty brown eyes flashed red.
“I’m going to walk him today.” August cried, sweeping Hellbunny into a hug. Hellbunny squealed, whether in pain or in joy, I know not.
“Fine, hopefully you’ll both get lost.”