Yesterday, in an effort to unblock his bliss, August attacked the neighbors. He sucked their souls out through holes he made in the tops of their heads with a candlestick. On the one hand I was proud of him, to muster that much force must have taken incredible concentration. On the other, I can’t condone murder as a means of enlightenment. August says he exists outside of corporeal morality and that his mental state doesn’t allow for internal morality. It’s hard to argue with that. I settled for just being glad he can’t track evidence back to my house. When the unfortunate neighbors’ daughter came over for Monday dinner she found them with their lids open and called the police. With all the commotion I forgot to read August his tarot.
Today, I drew the Five of Pentacles. A sad card. I feel like August has some cosmic retribution coming, whether he believes in it or not. And maybe I do, too. Perhaps I’ve been encouraging August too much in his development. I hoped that if I let him reach some kind of ultimate potential, he’d he be able to break free of me. And that may be the case, but I can’t encourage him if it means innocent lives are lost. For now, I’ll just have to content myself with knowing that the cards today have caused August some anxiety and hope tomorrow brings him some clarity.
Those opening lines were something! Great job.