Today we drew the Nine of Cups reversed and the following conversation ensued.
“You’re bliss blocking, August.”
“What the devil does that mean?”
“You have bliss coming to you, but you are blocking it with negativity.”
“I am the literal manifestation of negative energy. How does one, such as I, accomplish a positive attitude? What rot.”
“Have you considered a rainbow waistcoat?”
“Maybe polkadot suspenders.”
“I will suck out your soul and replace it with maggots.”
“Oooo, how about a red sequined top hat.”
“I can keep you alive while I feast on your innards.”
“With a peacock feather.”
“I am going to force your own blood down your throat.”
“Bliss blocker.”
“Ink sucking demon.”
“Hey, I like that one.”
“Damn you, Writer.”