“Another five. Fives are always bad.” August was, of course, upset when I drew the Five of Cups today. Not that I blame him. It left me to wonder, what does August have to lose? Or, who, more accurately. The only person August has is me… But no, there is also Evelyn and his hope in finding her. If he lost his hope he’d most likely go insane. Ghost insanity is a thing, I assure you, and it’s bad. Like him turning me into liquid human bad. I cautioned August to avoid trying to reach her today. I worried that his efforts might end in despair since he had not been able to catch the neighbor’s cat and fully replenish his strength yesterday. I suggested he focus on self-care. Rest, replenish, refresh. He rolled his deep brown eyes at me.
“Writer, you have the common sense of a chicken strutting through an abattoir.”
“I have a name, August.”
“Don’t care.”
“Oh, look, the cards were wrong, I don’t regret saying that at all.”
“Go away, August.”