“Reversed Ace of Wands again, huh? Need I remind you about the last time that came up?”
“August, the card is for you, not me. If there is a new love in anyone’s life, it’s yours.”
“Oh right, hey that’d be nice honestly.”
I pulled the Ace of Swords for August again today. He decided he should meditate, for clarity. I watched him for a minute, sitting crosslegged and chanting with his eyes closed and his seaweed green hair falling in loose tendrils across one half of his face. As I watched the room spun away, bright light exploded in my vision and rippled, condensing into flames that flickered around me. A voice called to me, it was feminine, and British.
“Send him home to me,” it said, “or woe betide you.”
I snapped awake, my heart pounding. My skin was red and stung from the heat. August sat still on the floor, chanting, oblivious. It seems I learned a truth of my own today, Evelyn Nevernight has been watching us.
I’m struggling with whether or not to tell August what I’ve seen. Today I drew The World reversed for him and it was hard not to blurt out Evelyn’s warning. I prodded, gently as I could, that wound of his that always seems fresh.
“Maybe it means you have unfinished business, August. Like Evelyn,” I laid a hand on his arm. It was frigid and sent chill coursing through me, but I hoped it would soften his reaction. He jerked his arm free.
“I don’t want Evelyn. Not anymore.”
“But what if she wants you?”
“What on Earth could she do about it? She’s quite dead.”
“Do you really want to find out?”
“You’re daft.” He shook his head at me a faded away, but there was something in his eyes. He’ll be thinking about her, this I know.