August finally showed today so I opted not to press the Magician issue. Who knows with him anyway. He’s like a plastic bag in the wind. He flails. I drew the Three of Wands reversed, which, I think means he needs to be patient with setbacks to whatever it is he’s upset about. Which is hopefully not something awful. Reading tarot for a ghost is like pinning the tail on a live donkey. IF you get it right, you’ll probably wish you hadn’t.
“Interesting, I drew Judgement today.”
“Blast! That’s something I’d rather not go through.” August was reclining a foot or so above the sofa.
“Well, yes, typically the card has some Biblical overtones. But look how nice this one is.” I handed him the card.
“This is not nice. Not at all. Bats dwell in darkness. It’s their nature. To get a fair judgement you have to overcome your nature? Even if your nature fulfills a purpose?”
“Does your nature fulfill a purpose? Is that what you’re saying?”
“I’m just saying we should be judged against our own potential, not that of some deity or other.”
“I see, well, the card just means rebirth and awakening and stuff. So… maybe you’re over thinking it,” I said. He looked over to me.
“Awakening? God’s bollocks, I wish my body were still intact.”
“I would, in no way, allow a half rotted ambulatory corpse in my house.”
“Awaaaaakening,” he moaned. I laughed, hard. It felt good to laugh for a change.