August sat on Hellbunny’s cage with his legs crossed. There had not been any animal corpse deliveries today, so I felt confident. I drew his card, Daughter of Cups, reversed.
“That makes perfect sense,” he said. Hellbunny yawned beneath him, tufts of squirrel fur lined his cage. Remnants of the squirrels from yesterday, apparently that’s what August had done with them. Outside the wind howled against the window. August continued.
“My perception of our relationship was flawed.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“I’m not telling you that. I’d rather keep you in the dark.”
At that the lights went out. It was still morning, but dark, overcast skies rendered the room dim. Behind me, on my desk, my laptop glowed in the wan light. Hellbunny chuckled from his cage.
“August?” I waited. Something thumped on my desk. I spun around to see a severed squirrel head staring at me. Its eyes had been gouged out. Blood dripped from the tattered edges of its fur down into my keyboard.
“August!” As I grabbed a tissue to pick the thing up Hellbunny rattled at his cage door. From somewhere else in the house, August laughed and laughed.
Very naughty that could void the warranty